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Version: 3.x.x


import { space } from "@desygna/desygna";

A system that enables spacing props.

The space utility converts shorthand margin and padding props to margin and padding CSS declarations.

  • Numbers from 0 to the length of are converted to values on the space scale.
  • Negative values can be used for negative margins.
  • Numbers greater than the length of the array are converted to raw pixel values.
  • String values are passed as raw CSS values.
  • And array values are converted into responsive values.

Margin and padding props follow a shorthand syntax for specifying direction.

PropCSS Property
margin, mmargin
marginTop, mtmargin-top
marginRight, mrmargin-right
marginBottom, mbmargin-bottom
marginLeft, mlmargin-left
marginX, mxmargin-left and margin-right
marginY, mymargin-top and margin-bottom
padding, ppadding
paddingTop, ptpadding-top
paddingRight, prpadding-right
paddingBottom, pbpadding-bottom
paddingLeft, plpadding-left
paddingX, pxpadding-left and padding-right
paddingY, pypadding-top and padding-bottom
// examples (margin prop)

// sets margin value of `[2]`
<Box m={2} />

// sets margin value of `-1 *[2]`
<Box m={-2} />

// sets a margin value of `16px` since it's greater than ``
<Box m={16} />

// sets margin `'auto'`
<Box m='auto' />

// sets margin `8px` on all viewports and `16px` from the first breakpoint and up
<Box m={[ 2, 3 ]} />